I bought a new Mac Book from Apple store last week. I never played Mac OS before, and this made me suffer recently. But Leopard does have a good looking, so maybe I will enjoy in this OS soon.
There is some problems that make me post this in English. First, I don`t know how to change IME in Mac OS. Second, I only use LIU for Chinese, but I think it`s hard to find a Mac version. The main purpose to play this machine is I wanna practice programming in Mac. I don`t know if I could get any help from this domain, but to learn more is always better.
Here is a screen shot from my first GUI program in Mac. A simple window to translate ASCII code to Morse Code. It cost me about 3 hours to make it work, though I can do the same thing by MFC in 10 minutes. The level of AppKit is higher than MFC, so to create a new window application is easier. But if my experience from windows is still work, it`s better to study window programming in lower level. Just like I started ui programming with win32 (yes, register window class, create windows), and that made me better in gui programming till now.
BTW, <
Learn Objective-C on the Mac> is really good for an experienced C/C++ programmer. Though there are many different feature, it`s possible to pick it up in 4 days. My own problems is how to become more familiar with those new topic, like category & protocol.