Feb 22, 2010

Long Long Ago...

Yes, I asked this question long long ago. But I can do it now. And the image above is my result. (只是回憶)

Feb 18, 2010


I still have many question marks flying around my head. There may be some miss-understanding that make my implementation is weak for scaling & orientation invariance (which should be the strongest compared with the other algorithms).
Ref :
My code is heavily base on Rob Hess`s implementation. But I don`t want to install opencv and can`t understand the descriptor building function. So I just sampling a rotated grid with fixed size in all scale. In the matching step, check distance between 2 descriptor only (accepted if d is less than 0.001)

Get better result after pre-smoothing.

Feb 5, 2010


又有兩位同事離開corel 了。然後大家超捧場的 XD

Feb 3, 2010

CUDA Quick Guide