Apr 27, 2010



Apr 11, 2010

stitching - 2

The left most part is incorrect...don`t know why /_\

Both of the photo set are taken without tripad.
I got more problems now :
  • It took too much time in matching. So......maybe I need something like kd tree ? (but I`m lazy)
  • I calculate the camera parameters by SBA one by one. But can`t optimize all of them at the same time (after getting rough result ), the image above are stitched by those "rough" result. There may be some bug in my sba usage.
  • Multi-band blending ?

Apr 4, 2010


Apply SBA, still can`t get good result and don`t known how to get better focal length.

Now I got better result due to fix a typo in DLT. XD