May 28, 2009

stupid flying triangle

Finally, I rendered a stupid flying triangle in iPhone simulator. Though I never investigate OpenGL before, but it easier than d3d. So writing code to render simple object is quickly. But I am usually confused with gl functions. Like the "glTranslatef", this C function can`t tell me which matrix I try to translate now, just like many old C functions. It`s fortunate that I still don`t have to take care heavily matrix calculation in current stage.

I guess it`s time to start to make a simple game after learning how to render text, since the basic touch function need only override some method in UIView.

BTW, I tried to programming on symbian (sdk from nokia) long long ago. Maybe I was too weak so I could not make the simulator work correctly. I bough a book for that OS, but I never touch them again after several "days". (OK, that happened in 4th month of my programming life).

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