Dec 19, 2010


因為不知道怎麼問「這是幾人份?」,所以最後指著綜合口味的pizza並豎起右手食指!比pizza hut的大pizza小一點,應該可以吃完,不過吃掉3/4後因為還想繼續探險,所以打包了剩下的1/4!可樂也剩下半瓶。因為路上很冷,所以回到旅館時已經是冰pizza跟冰可樂了!(加可樂7000₩)




第一次參加 conference,

paper 好多!



Oct 9, 2010


Iteration = 2

Iteration = 3

Iteration = 4

Iteration = 5

Iteration = 6

Iteration = 7

Iteration = 8

All with k = 6.

Oct 8, 2010


k = 16

k = 8

k = 4

k = 2

All in 2 iterations.

Aug 28, 2010

Lua + Image

I usually works with images, and have to write many code even only for a simple testing. Now I try to implement toolkits with Lua, hope that I can do more things by the help of script. With the script below:

function Main()

local img0 = Urd.CImage32F();
local img1 = Urd.CImage32F();

img0:Load("D:/img/NTU/106009.JPG", Urd.ChannelL);

CImageProcessor.GaussianSmooth(img1, img0, 7, 7, 2.0, 2.0);
CImageProcessor.OperateImgNImg(img1, img0, img1, Urd.OperatorSub);
CImageProcessor.OperateImgNScalar(img1, img1, 10.0, Urd.OperatorMul);

img1:Save("D:/img/ttt.jpg", Urd.ChannelL);


I got this result :

They are "C like" since I implement them in C with the same function and class name. Hope this will become useful in a few days.

Aug 8, 2010

Blur (Image) - Image

Nothing special, I just wanna update my blog.

Jul 18, 2010

G1S was down !

Now I have 2 choices: buy a new PC, or repair G1S. G1S was down, but ASUS never let me down. I won`t buy their notebook again.

Jul 14, 2010



Jul 2, 2010

Simple Extension for wxFileDropTarget of wxWidgets

class CWxDnDSink
virtual ~CWxDnDSink() = 0;

virtual Result OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& rFile);

class CWxFileDropTarget : public wxFileDropTarget
CWxDnDSink* pDnDSink;

CWxFileDropTarget(CWxDnDSink* pSink);
virtual ~CWxFileDropTarget();

virtual bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& rFile);

Then every wxWindow can inherit CWxDnDSink, and SetDropTarget with a CWxFileDropTarget object. Quite simple and useful for me since I don`t want to write new drop target every time (like the dnd sample).

Jun 14, 2010

HDR - 8


Jun 11, 2010

HDR - 7

Here is better result by using 3 different response curve (red, green & blue) at the same time.

1. Linear tone mapping in log domain :

2. Tone mapping in gradient domain :

3. Response curve :

In sampling step, I sort all pixels in the image with largest exposure. Force sampling the brightest pixel, then sampling the others averagely.

Jun 3, 2010

Commander Shepard is a Programmer !

Screenshot from Mass Effect 2.
Never thought that "code" would appear in games !

May 21, 2010


May 18, 2010

HDR - 6

alpha = 0.09
beta = 0.9
s = 0.1

May 16, 2010

HDR - 5

Some bugs are fixed. Here is new radiance map :

linear tone mapped in log domain :

Gradient attenuation map :

linear mapping after attenuation in log domain :

LDR with exp(I) :

Final result :

There are still some problems :
1. How to get better result from Poisson equation ?
2. How to select alpha & beta ?
3. Final result is not as good as the one presented in original paper.

May 11, 2010

HDR - 4

I think ...... I didn`t add any special effect ......

May 10, 2010

HDR - 3

what`s this ? Should I commit suicide ?

May 9, 2010

HDR - 2

I have tried to impl gradient domain tone mapping recently since the paper said it is "simple". But I still can`t get the correct result.

Above is the result of Poisson equation. After this, I don`t know how to mapping all channels. Below is one of my test which mixed 3 result (rgb) of poission equation.

Hope I can solve it in a few days /_\.

May 1, 2010


Recently, I have to check if the knowledge of HDR in my brain is correct. Here are some result :

1. One of Paul Debevec`s data set. Since my camera "can not" manually change shutter speed and I don`t want to implement MTB currently, I test the algorithm by this data set.

2. Rough tone mapped result :

3. Rough radiance map :

The response curve recovery algorithm is not difficult since you can find matlab version in the end of the paper.

Apr 27, 2010

